Michelle (ShellLaaaayyy)
xoxox, Katia
"The success of every single woman is the inspiration for another." Diane Von Furstenburg
This is a segment that I have wanted to do for a while now, I've been super busy with projects unrelated to my website or my blog. But I am really excited about 'LTILT&TIL' which if you didn't read the header stands for 'Ladies That I Look To & That I Love.' This first installation features three of my dearest friends who have been super supportive of my journey as a blogger/writer and who are just super supportive of anything I do. I love them and am lucky to have them in my life. What made me think of these ladies right off the bat was that they have all been very instrumental in getting my content out to the world. I have a tendency to work, work and overwork certain blogs for far too long. When I have something readable I send it to one of these ladies and they take time out of their incredibly busy lives. All three of these women have full time jobs and of course social lives that rival a Hollywood socialite so I am so grateful! They are all kind enough to help a sista out whenever they can, I love them. This will be a reoccurring blog topic where I profile ladies that I look to for any variety of things. So please enjoy and always remember that no one accomplishes anything alone - so be thankful, show appreciation in whatever makes sense for you & yours. CHLOE (CG)Bright, witty, energetic, sexy, wild, free and the other half of #KPCG - this girl is my heart. Endlessly supportive of my endeavors, she challenges me when I need it and even agreed to go to Australia with me last year. I can send her a link at the last minute and get her honest, brilliant, magically efficient notes in no time at all. We met in a college psychology 101 and ever since I can not get enough of her. She works as a Producer at a huge advertising agency and I could not be more proud. She is my blond counter part and I have no idea what I would do without her. <3 EMILY (SCHMEM)A gorgeous, strong, talented writer herself. I remember the first time I really got to have a real conversation with her was at a beach in the burbs the summer after tenth grade. We clicked instantly! She has a great heart and she has been lending me her eyes since I started writing blogs for Sol Inspirations years ago. Being a creative person can be scary because you are putting parts of your soul out there and with Emily I knew I could do that. She was honest, fair & a damn good editor. This girl is going to do amazing things with her life and I am glad that my path allowed me a view of hers. <3 Michelle (ShellLaaaayyy)Definition of a go-getter. In 2008, first Christmas home from college my guy friend introduced me to a lovely girl that I now have the pleasure of calling one of my closest friends. She pushes herself hard and I can count on her critique to be thoughtful. She has much more tradition values than I myself have, so having her read my pieces is very strategic, I always want to be open minded and not pigeon hole my readers. Shell also works at an Advertising agency in the Account department, a position she set her sights on six months ago! So proud. <3 THANKS TO THE END OF THE UNIVERSE LADIES. I couldn't do it without you and I do it for you!
xoxox, Katia "The success of every single woman is the inspiration for another." Diane Von Furstenburg
Recently there has been all sorts of ramblings on the internet about Feminism; being one, not being one, being for them, being against them. Blah, blah, blah. So here is my 2 cents on the whole thing... I am definitely a FEMINIST and damn proud of it.Fortunately for me I have always known the real definition of the word and have never been afraid to call myself one. That being said I am empathetic to girls who are under the impression that it is somehow not an issue that concerns them, or whatever it is that makes girls uncomfy with the idea of feminism. In the header image I blurred myself a little because I think that all girls should see themselves as feminist and not just girls for that matter but boys, men, trans, whatever.. in my ideal world each and every person believes in equality for every one else. So here is a collection of some great things on the internet about FEMINISM that I think you might be into. + The Evolution of T.Sweezy's Feminism by Buzzfeed + And again by the Huffington Post These screen shots are from organizations that I personally follow on Facebook, click through to read more. Even if you are indeed a feminist, even if you call yourself one loudly and proudly, it is still important to read about it, be educated about other people's perspectives and ideas around the issue of gender inequality. If you don't have the dialogue or aren't up to speed on the current goings ons then you might not have all the adequate ammo to keep fighting the good fight. Now I leave you with some words from one of my personal favorite feministas:
January 2020
ABOUT Katherine Marie PriceI am on a journey to be the most amazing version of myself that I can be. I always try to do what is right for myself, my planet, my body & my spirit. Living a full life to me means lots of traveling, outdoor adventures, constantly busy, obsessively learning, tons of time surrounded by friends, family and fashion. |