After a long, harsh, sunny, toxin filled, adventured full, way too fun weekend I call on these good buddies to aid my recovery.
It's so important to stay hydrated during long holiday weekends when you are running around doing every possible activity that you can fit in to the few days. From Bbqs, to pontoon rides, bike rides, hikes, patio happy hours and everything else people did over the fourth, bodies were being exposed to elements, worked out, worked over and losing water. After I put my skin through sunny days on lakes, nights of drinking I stand in the bathroom naked dance for a minute and use my Alba Botanica lotion on my entire body, twice. I lather of ups my hands and go from feet to wrists and repeat! Drinking obsessive amounts of water is important to because hydrating from the inside is better than lotion.
I've written about Intelligent Nutrients several times but I have been using this leave-in conditioner A LOT lately to combat the dryness of summer hair, in and out of water, up and down, full of sweat, not to mention the damage my extensions inflict.
I have also written about this Simple face lotion post Australia but to reiterate my awesome opinion, I love it and I use it to hydrate my face religiously. Having a nice foundation face tan in the summer is my favorite, I only used waterproof mascara in the last few days because my tan means I take a break from my make up routine. I struggled with that last sentence, in it's original form it read - tan means no make up necessary. And then I challenged myself, is make up really a necessity? No it's not. I could easily live with out it, it would be different but possible. Just saying.
As always I love you, keep challenging norms and keep loving yourself & living the life in which you are the happiest version of you.
Xoxo, kp