As one man pointed out during his testimony this morning, the committee met on Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Drive - a street named after a man who was arrested numerous times in the name of the civil disobedience that is the bed rock of the CIVIL RIGHTS movement that separates our society from the backwards.
I was terrified, I've only spoken in front of a group larger than the one in the room this morning one other time in my life. I did it though. I did not take the advice of a co-worker and added a rap element to my testimony but I took a deep breath and flew through my testimony which reads...
"Good morning, thank you for having me. My name is Katherine Price and I'm here as an independent citizen.
The wording of this bill and its intent is meant to punish citizens for coming together to raise their voice, or discontent.
This feels like a scare tactic, this proposed bill feel like the government trying to limit our freedom of assembly.
"Business as usual" is not more important than citizens being free to assemble in whatever way they see strategic to their plight.
HF322 is a dangerous idea that would lead to the sort of similiar bill that Indiana has proposed and I do not support it."
DISCLAIMER ABOUT THE ACTIONS OF THE CROWD THIS MORNING. I was appalled by the lack of respect for the committee this morning. The laughing and applauding and disrespect was astounding. Please act according to your surroundings in a government building. To make change in a place like the STATE OFFICE BUILDING this you need to act like you belong there.