Beauty products for moving into fall.
LIP CARE! So important for colder temps.
Many thanks for IN for being such an awesome company, to Horst Rechelbacher for always thinking outside the box and putting the planet first. Also a huge thank you to the staff who invited me for a product testing and then sent me home with goodies, these are the kinds of opportunities that make this blog possible.
I obtained my first lip scrub due to my interview with Elixery for Sol Inspirations. Many, many thanks to Elixery and their Principal Alchemist Karoline Wells for having me into the laboratory, it was so cool to see where their products are created. I felt so blessed to leave with a bag full of stuff to sample. One of those goodies was the amazing LIP SCRUB, it tastes like sugar, tingles the perfect amount when you rub it on and did an all around amazing job of exfoliating my rough lips. The craziest, and slightly unfortunate part, is that this product is not available for purchase yet! Very sorry folks! For the time being I know that LUSH has some amazing lip scrubs in that case that you need some pronto! But I urge you to be on the look out for this one by Elixery because buying local is one of the best ways to minimize your beauty routine's impact on the planet.
My soul smiled when I found out that the lavender in this these products is from an organic farm, purchasing things that are grown organically is so much better for the planet and I can only assume for your body. Plus lavender is proven to relieve stress and the new season can mean school, a new schedule, a new job, whatever your new challenge might be - fall related or not - a bath with stress-fix soaking salts can really do the trick. I took two baths in the month of September after I put the salts on the bath instead of under the cupboard, the salts just sat there and begged to be used, it resulted in two more hours of me time than I would have taken otherwise. BOOYA.
Sinus Rinse, yes it goes in & out of your nose & is kinda gross but super awesome.
When people talk about 'netty-pots' this is an example of what they mean, I personally use this netty pot system, called NeilMed Sinue Rinse kit that I purchased at Costco for under twenty dollars and it will last me almost a year. I personally have stronger reactions to poor indoor air quality but sometimes the change of seasons can give me a ton of sinus pressure, nothing gives me more relief that using my netty pot. The trick is that you have to be committed to it, it is an everyday thing, I do it once in the morning and if I have the energy I do it again at night. Also it is gross, it will be hella weird the first time you do it and you might even gag a little bit but I think it is worth the nasty! I feel so much better when I get into the habit of doing it everyday! Sometime I lapse and forget about it for while, the sinus pressure builds and I am crying until I get that saline water through my nostrils!
I recommend
- Doing it in the shower (cleansing your sinuses, get your mind out of the gutter)
- Boil the water in a tea pot because if you don't you can get bacteria in your sinuses which can be worse than allergens.
- And never doing it in front of anyone else because you never know what is going to come out of your nostrils! ewwww.
We are going to end on a pretty note...
Have fun, fall is full of things changing, protecting themselves and growing into the new chapter. Takes notes from nature and be beautiful!
xox, kp