This is the third post in my Month of Hair and I am excited to share a little bit more about my own relationship with this mop on my head. In the first post I shared about the tragic passing of Horst Rechelbacher, and in the second post I share my favorite salons in the Twin Cities.
Katia + Her Hair
Sometimes my hair is long and healthy & all my own...
Sometimes it is up and looking a mess in a bun.
Sometimes my hair is wet & I look like a miserable dripping dog.
And then again sometimes it looks fantastic.
Some of My Favorite Hair Moments <3
YA KNOW WHAT? It's ok that my hair doesn't look perfect everyday, it's not something that I get excited about, there is only minimal joy in it not looking like it does right when I wake up, so I am not going to torture myself. I like it to look nice so I do the minimum and then I love myself even if it turns out less than photo ready.
Hair is hair, it grows, it breaks, it falls out. Sometimes you are lucky to have a 'good hair day,' celebrate it - have an extra drink! Some people are even blessed with hair that looks amazingly every single day, don't envy them - that person doesn't have your math skills or your perfect pitch. Hair is revered as a big deal in our culture but remember to put it into perspective, as with everything, it expires and what is left is what was always on the inside. Cherish your internal attributes and give yourself a break on all that external bullshit.
“It’s important to let go, calm down, and get grounded. We need to listen to ourselves. When one becomes aware that our present-moment thoughts are not productive, one should simply let them go. Change a negative thought to a positive one.” - Horst Rechelbacher
xoxo, kp