In the past week er so that book has been gaining tons of negative attention. It seems to me like it's mostly accusations from conservatives trying to defame her. She writes in the book about checking out her little sister's genitalia, masturbating in the same bed (AS HER SISTER SLEPT). You tell me, would someone who gets off on touching children inappropriately write about it in a book that millions of people will critique?!?!? The main accuser has absolutely no pedigree allowing him to make such a strong statement. The most intelligent retort I've read was on Slate, here. For the sake of journalistic integrity I will give you a perspective that I don't agree with but that are out there on the internet, so here.
Any way, I think Dunham is super brave, and in support of her telling her own story with such openness I too will confess something to the world. My younger brother's penis was definitely the first that I had ever laid eyes on, I imagine most people with a younger sibling have experienced the same discovery. The fact that a penis doesn't 'open' allowed me to examine it without having to be physical, but examine it I did. I didn't receive any sexual pleasure but it did allow me the pleasure of knowledge, it allowed me to educate myself. My brother and I also used to give each other back rubs and then sleep in the same bed. I'm not a public figure in the way that Lena Dunham is, so I don't know whose agenda would further if they did so but, I dare someone to try to make me out to be a child molester. I also have a vague memory of showering with my dad and marveling at the hair around his genitalia, wondering to myself why I didn't have any? Does that make me an adult molester? NO, it's perfectly natural curiosity and when no one is deriving sexual pleasure from the experience IT'S OK! For the record I currently grow quite an impressive amount of my own fur down there.
ENOUGH ABOUT THAT, more about my love for this book.
I don't strongly identify with Dunham, I grew up in the Midwestern middle class and my parents aren't even slightly artsy but still the verbiage calms me. The story of another person coming into their own is always an important one to tell.
xoxo, kp