My friends and I tend to plan movie nights around food and some movie that we collectively want to see but more often than not I don't remember the movie at all because I am too wrapped up in how amazing my friends are. I am the type of person who would rather talk to those around me than pay attention to the plot, I am the person who talks a lot (not in the theater but if in an appropriate space like a living room). I like to ask questions and challenge the characters decisions but it always turns into a discussion that drowns out the movie.
Sometimes you just need to rent a bunch of movies and watch them alone.
The plot includes a commentary on Ivy league admissions process, a devastating twist, a seemingly hopeless love story and of course a positive ending. The ending doesn't necessarily end up being what you would expect but it is it's own kind of happy. Fey's character is a strong woman who overcomes heartbreak, a corporate-like, bleak work situation and who listens to her heart. I liked this movie a lot. My favorite character from this movie is Portia's (Tina Fey) mother, is named Susannah (played by Lily Tomlin) a super strong woman, who lives alone and conceived her daughter by having sex with a stranger on a train because she says that you should never need anyone too much. It's perfect for a rainy afternoon or after a scary movie.
The Bling Ring
The scenes with all of the clothes, the closets - full of shoes, party dresses, everything sparkly were enough to put me in consumerism shock. I love clothes as much as the next girl and a Carrie Bradshaw closet would be ideal but the materialism expressed by the characters in the film was disgusting. Also the casual drug use is a terrible example and I hope impressionable youth take the right message from the film and can see through the glamorizing bullshit.
Ending thoughts about movies...
Perks of Being a Wallflower is adorable, hopeful and honest, with a smirk of edge.
I am stoked to see A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan iii, Billy Murray is a god among men and Jason Swartzman has a special place in my heart.
xoxo, kp