TIMELINE of the Craziness:
- Dropped stuff at Kait's condo
- Senor Frogs // ate + drank + enjoyed the patio + met BB ppl
- Got ready for the night
Sunday @ 7pm - Dinner at FIX
- Lounging while BB ppl mingled with fans at Lily Bar
Midnight - move to the club, The Bank
- danced my ass off until 4am
- regrettably ate Jack in the Box
Monday @ 11 - Woke up, got ready, headed to the strip
@ 2 - Senor Frogs for lunch + adult beverages
Then a whole afternoon of running around the strip, and riding the New York, New York roller coaster with Gene, Topaz, AJ, Cowboy, Dan, Liza, Peter, Alec and many more than I am sure I am forgetting. I apparently liked the Big Brother Canada crew a little bit better than Kaitlin's cast. (It is probably Canada's proximity to my home state Minnesota!)
9:30pm - We saw Mystere at Treasure Island, a Cirque du Soleil show that basically had my jaw dropped from start to finish! The things those people's bodies can do is so amazing and definitely motivating. Not to mention how much imagination goes into the whole production, I loved every minute of it and can't wait to go back and see Zumania and O!
- Then we stayed up until all hours of the night with our new Canadian friend AJ from BB Canada.
Tuesday @ 11 - Woke up
- Had breakfast at the Coffee Shop at Treasure Island
- Mimosas + Pool Time
- Liza, kb & I walked around the shops at the Venetian
- We said goodbye to Liza :(

I am thankful for the few days that I had with kb and her new Big Brother family. I am thankful to those pseudo - famous who were warm to me and engaged me as a human even though I am a non - famous. I will admit that some of those reality 'stars' sucked just as much as it seemed they would, but those people exist everywhere and I don't waste my time on them in the normal world so I definitely wasn't wasting my precious Vegas time trying to find the silver lining in these shitty people.
I had a great time in Vegas, I will be back very soon to see Ms. Kaitlin Barnaby & the rest of my new Vegas friends!
xxxxooo, kp